About Us » Our Principal Dr. Crystal Davis

Our Principal Dr. Crystal Davis

Dear Students and Parents,

We offer a hearty welcome to our new Jackson families and a welcome back to our familiar Jackson families. As we embark on this new year together, we maintain our steady focus on ensuring that each day enriches the lives of all those within our community and provides learning experiences that will empower students to be positive difference-makers in the years to come. The beginning of the school year is one of my favorite times of the year – the smiling faces of students as they enter the building reminds me of why I went into the education field. Even though we are beginning the school year virtually, unlike any other in the past, I want you to know that I am extremely excited for virtual opportunities our teachers will provide.

This year, we anticipate new challenges to come as we begin the year in an unfamiliar way and are eager to embrace those challenges as opportunities to build upon our recent successes and lessons learned together. As a collaborative team, I am positive that we will meet the challenges by working toward our common purpose of ensuring our students attain high academic achievement.

In the past, Jackson Academy has been recognized for excellence through awards and acknowledgements. Jackson was selected as a “Benchmark School for 2006” by the Business Coalition. We were also nominated to the National Center for Urban School Transformation (NCUST) for the “Excellence in Urban Education Award” in 2007. In 2008, Jackson Academy was recognized as a 2008 “Honor Roll” recipient. The New Jersey State Bar Foundation presented Jackson Academy with the Law Fair 2017 Award 2nd Place Statewide Winner.

Jackson Academy continues to strive to meet the needs of our students in collaboration with parents and the community at large. It is our sincere belief that it is only through positive relationships among all stakeholders that we can and will continue to achieve success.

Again, I cannot thank everyone enough for their understanding and support. Should you have any questions or concerns, I can be reached by email at [email protected]. We will have a successful and exciting school year!


With Jackson Jaguar Pride,

Dr. Crystal Davis, Principal